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Writing Samples

Here are some sample stories to show off what I can write.


A first grader faces a challenge: he must cut a circle into thirds.

Harvey, the engineer and alchemist, must make a chimera for his friend Amelia's birthday, but the hatching process is taking longer than expected.

Aaron finds a genie in a lamp, but there's one problem: the genie's rules on wishes are very strict.

An adaptation of a friend's short story. The nostalgic Quyen befriends a rabbit, but one day, the rabbit disappears. Can she find and save her?

When Nessie allegedly destroys an entire village,

one team is determined

to kill her and the other sea creatures, no matter what. 

An opening cutscene written for someone's original IP Duskory. Frode tries to tell the story of the great Nefair to his siblings, but he's having some trouble doing so.

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